This new method of using your FX3/FX2 DMD with a REAL or virtual DMD using Poppers PuPDMD driver. Note: You need Popper Installed to Use This. (Will Not Work With Just Pinup Player)

Many people have issues with dmdext and FX3. So I decided to make it a lot easier to setup/use with PuP-DMD FX3 driver.

Here's how to setup: must have fully working Popper Setup already and launching FX3 fine before setting up this.

Most common issue: Most people cannot use FX3 in Exclusive Screen Mode. Many people found that VLC media will be crashed when returning from FX3/2. The easy solution is to setup FX3 in its video settings to use Window-Borderless.

Also, you must run the your steam-client on windows startup (the default behaviour). You do not want to run steam for the first time from launch script.

Ensure you're on the latest PUPVpinMame pupdmdcontrol.exe file (Pinup Player Version - 1.4.4 or Higher)

In FX3 cabinet settings you must set your DMD size to 520 width and 136 height. THIS MUST BE DONE IN FX3 SETTINGS (not pinup), and setting must be 520×136 no other resolutions.
Position the FX3 DMD behind your playfield OR try putting it on the same screen as the DMD….

After you have it Working go In FX3 Options Under UI/streaming set Dot matrix size : to off

In Popper FX3 Emulator setup/Launch Script.

No longer need to run DMDEXT.EXE so you can remove that line completely.
This will be using Freezy DmdDevice.dll and DmdDevice.ini files just like visual pinball.
You don't need any timeouts and you should run PuPDMD before launching FX3. Here's my FX3 Launch script, this will work for either real or lcd dmds.: you may need to change the first few lines to your vpinmame location.

FX3 With PUPDMDControl

REM -- The Top Two Lines are for PUPDMDControl  ( For FX2 use the same 2 lines )

cd /d "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]

START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 5 5 20 "Pinball FX3"

START "" "[DIREMU]\steam.exe" -applaunch 442120 -table_[GAMENAME]

If you are using Real DMD (PinDMDv3) you may need to add a timeout Line before running pupdmdcontrol.exe like this

REM -- The Bottom 3 Lines are for PUPDMDControl  ( For FX2 use the same 3 lines )

START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 5 5 20 "Pinball FX3"

START "" "[DIREMU]\steam.exe" -applaunch 442120 -table_[GAMENAME]

cd /d "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
timeout 5
start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]

For Information on Adding Multiplayer to FX3

PinUP Popper Alt-Mode Option http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=alt_mode&s[]=fx3

You don't need to add anything more in your close script as the driver should close once FX3 is closed. my close script:


NOTE: For pindmdv3 real dmd users you may need to make your close script like this if you experience issues with dmd returning from fx3.