Unlimited Emulators support
Unlimited Playlists support
Awesome Playlists manager with sub-lists (no limits, go deep)
Active (auto-updated) playlists or user defined.
Uses SQL query language to auto-update playlists! flexible!
System playlists for things like recently played, most played, just added.
Keyboard and/or joystick control, directx or xinput
Full launch control scripts: tested VPX,FX2,FX3,FP,MAME, others
Full ExitGame control (and quick!).
Fancy launch method to keep table in-focus (should avoid focus issues)
WheelBar is fully customizable, size, # of thumbs to display, transparent
WheelBar can auto-hide to allow full view of playfield.
WheelBar can be on playfield, or backglass… and supports rotation
WheelBar/Menu system is really simple to navigate and control
Lots of screen support I think like 6 to 8…project that bat-signal!!!
Keep screens ON during gameplay… custom by table or defaulted by EMU.
Game INFO screen (png/mp4)
Game Help screen (png/mp4)
Game Other screen to show 3rd party things like hi-scores.
One-button or two press launch game.
DOF support
SSF yippee… nice to browse and here the flippers via surround
Real-DMD support with animated gifs/png support.
LCD-DMD support, all features of other displays.
Integrated Recording feature to record screens/gameplay media up to 4K!!
Supports 4K media and plays them quick!
Custom Launch Audio by game and/or emulator
Custom Loading Videos by game and/or emulator
Easy Theme updates to allow 3rd party ‘skinning’.
Flexible javascript plug-in to allow easy/custom configs.
Supports Easy Game Data Lookup DB to fill in fields like manufact, year, players..etc
Passcode protected playlists (you dirty old man)
Add/Remove favourites from front-end (by playlist)
Add/Remove favourites from front-end (global)
Default Media by emulator, or one Default Media folder global.
Attract Mode. Random of any/all tables (except those PASSCODE protected ones ;)
FAST!!! Even with 10,000 records, the system is moving along quickly.
SQLite database for easy 3rd party access…
NO INI or TXT or XML files to touch… all easy to configure via setup program.
New! Auto-record all your media in one-session. Yes people have recorded 400+ tables of playfields/backglass IN A ROW and from the comfort of their couches!!
Network Game/Config Manager: YES, you can add a new game/table via your desktop, even the media for it, even add to a playlist without touching your PinCab… then walk over and start playing the game!