
PinUP System (Popper Front-End and Player) is licensed as free to use for non-commercial purposes.

Creating and maintaing PinUP takes a lot of time and resources. Please consider donating funds through Paypal to help support costs that I currently pay out-of-pocket and extras that will help the project/community as a whole.

Many thanks to all donors and supporters!!

There are currently NO authorized resellers of PinUP Software, there have been zero commecial sales to date and any PinUP you see on drives/cabs that are sold are entirely not-authorized and pirated copies.

note: Donations from commercial resellers does not allow them to promote or use the PinUP name in their websites/promotion material. Also, PinUP cannot be used in commercial sales that are not following community guidelines or using un-licensed software. If you are a commercial seller please contact me for information on licensing PinUP Popper and player. Thanks.
