===== PinUP Pinball System Other Components Links: ===== **Visual Pinball X All-In-One Installer** \\ \\ Current Version: 10.6.0\\ Download from:\\ [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11573]]\\ [[https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/vpx-installer-10-6-0/]] **Visual Pinball X - Beta.** \\ NOTE: There could be unknown issues when using a new beta. Only install if required.\\ Current Version: 10.7 Beta\\ Download from: [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=44135&hl=]] **VPinMAME, SAMBuild** - Beta. This is required for colour rom support on certain VPX tables.\\ Current Version: 3.2 Beta\\ Download from: [[http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/3651-sambuild32-beta-thread/|http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/3651-sambuild32-beta-thread/]] **BS2 Server** The 'Official' version is located here: Current Version: NOTE: This is normally installed with the VPX All-in-One-Installer (10.6 or higher)\\ Download from: [[http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12553|http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12553]] NOTE: Same Version As Above\\ It is HIGHLY recommended you update and use this 'custom' version of B2S server which has a few changes to work better with PinUp System. (overwrite the files in your table folder and run the b2s register.exe as admin again). Download from: **[[https://github.com/nailbuster/B2S-Backglass/releases|https://github.com/nailbuster/B2S-Backglass/releases]]** **DMDExt (aka Freezy, DMD Extensions)** \\ Version: 1.7.1 or higher (For now only install the 32 bit, x86 files!) Unless you know what you're doing\\ Install the files directly into the VPinMAME folder, NOT the "VPinMAME \ dmdext" sub folder)\\ If you install 1.80 and are coming from 1.71 you will need to add this to your INI file\\ [alphanumeric]\\ enabled = False\\ And the only 2 files really need are\\ DmdDevice.dll\\ dmdext.exe\\ Download from Here: There is a ton of information for you to soak up\\ The 1.80 New options, Right click the DMD for Menu and Always display Grip on hover. (Arrow bottom right corner of the DMD for changing size) Really handy if you constantly have to change Location and/or size\\ [[https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions|https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions]] Note: Please use this link and follow the instructions on how to configure the files for Pinup Player!\\ See: For VPX, you need to change the dmddevice.ini\\ http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=upgrade_freezy **DOF R3++ Grand Unifier** [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=39557&page=1|https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=39557&page=1]] [[http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/dll-updates.html|http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/dll-updates.html]] **DOFLinx** [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12318|https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12318]] **Dux Retro's PUPLookup Spreadsheet for v1.4** [[https://tinyurl.com/y47ss3hz|https://tinyurl.com/y47ss3hz]] **List of available Loading Videos on the Popper Media Server** [[https://popmedia.vpinball.com/listmedialoading.php|https://popmedia.vpinball.com/listmedialoading.php]]