====== Update Baller Installer Feb, 2022 ====== These instructions are geared towards people who have used Baller installer v2021.04 (april 2021). **Always make a complete backup before updating system. (most importantly the vPinball folder and all subfolders) ** IMO, update each part individually and confirm everything is OK before moving to next update. If you update many items at once and something ‘breaks’ you’ll not know which part to troubleshoot. **REMEMBER. UNBLOCK ZIPS AND TURN ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE OFF DURING UPGRADE….** This page has information to update to the following parts: PinUP Popper v1.4.6 final (May 1, 2021) Virtual Pinbal X 10.7 released version. DMDExt (aka Freezy dmd) v 1.10.1 FlexDMD v1.8.0 VPINMAME v3.4 BAM (future pinball) v1.5.345 note: other than PinUP all the update content files are from original releases (not any special/recompiled by me in any way). ---- ===== Update ALL-IN-ONE zip ===== If you just installed Baller or haven't updated any of the vpin-land parts(vpx,freezy,vpinmame,flex) yet then you can download this one zip. No need to download any other zips on this page, as they are all included in this one file. Download Here: [[https://mega.nz/file/qR1UASrD#i3IQyGKjVaxJ7uJjZLPKq4byOuT62ghHpfDXK3sClbE|https://mega.nz/file/qR1UASrD#i3IQyGKjVaxJ7uJjZLPKq4byOuT62ghHpfDXK3sClbE]] UnBLock and unzip into your vpinball root folder and overwrite all. You will then need to read/follow instructions for DMDExt-Freezy (see section below, skip the download files part) to add lines to dmddevice.ini You will then need to read/follow instructions for FlexDMD (see section below, skip the download files part) to re-register the FlexDMD components. ---- ===== PinUP Popper v.1.4.6 ===== Baller Installer v2021.04 does not have the final PinUP Popper v.1.4.6 that includes animated PNGs support and other items. If you have not updated to v.1.4.6 ever since your install then unzip (unblock zip first) into you PinUPSystem folder. [[https://www.nailbuster.com/pupupdatesv14/PinUPSystem_v_1_4_6_latest_update.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/pupupdatesv14/PinUPSystem_v_1_4_6_latest_update.zip]] ---- ===== Update to VPX 10.7.0 (final) ===== download file here: [[https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/VPinballX7_Minimal_10_7_0.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/VPinballX7_Minimal_10_7_0.zip]] Remember to unblock zip before unzipping.\\ Unzip and overwrite all contents to your **c:\vPinball\VisualPinball** **Installation:** \\ Simply copy all of the files in the ZIP into your already existing Visual Pinball directory. Overwrite already existing files there when asked. Note: there is a VPinballX106.exe file in zip that is VPX 10.6 that you can use as an alternateEXE in Popper (similar to how you did 10.7 beta before). Its there as a possible workaround if a old table wont work in 10.7. (note you cannot save a vpxfile in 10.7 and use it in 10.6). more info: [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=33262&page=1|https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=33262&page=1]] ---- ===== DMDExt (aka Freezy) 1.10.1 ===== \\ note: when updating dmdext(freezy) the MOST IMPORTANT thing to know that it may overwrite your **dmddevice.ini** file and all its settings… the zip below I removed the ini but just an FYI if other updates or zip files you download may have. download file here: [[https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/dmdext-v1.10.1-x86_upgrade.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/dmdext-v1.10.1-x86_upgrade.zip]] Remember to unblock zip before unzipping.\\ Unzip and overwrite all contents to your** c:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME** folder Open up **dmddevice.ini **and add the following lines to **[global] **section at top ; scaler mode for standard content (vpm frames): doubler, scale2x. ; note: see readme.md for details scalermode = scale2x ; always scale standard vpm frames to 256x64 ; note: see readme.md for details scaletohd = false you can set scaletohd to true to try out the new look/features. Future Pinball: If not using the All-In-ONE update zip , you must also copy the **opengl32.dll **from the FuturePinball subfolder of this zip to your **c:\vPinball\FuturePinball** root folder. \\ more info: [[https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/releases|https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/releases]] ---- ===== FLEXDMD (UltraDMD replace) v1.8.0 ===== You need to be on above dmdext (freezy) to upgrade: \\ download file here: [[https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd/releases/download/1.8.0/FlexDMD.zip|https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd/releases/download/1.8.0/FlexDMD.zip]] Remember to unblock zip before unzipping.\\ Unzip and overwrite all contents to your **c:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME** folder within **c:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME** you need to manually run **FLEXDMDDUI.EXE** and press **register **on flexdmd and **register** on ultradmd.\\ (don’t worry about the warning about dmddevice64.dll as its not needed for most) ---- ===== VPINMame 3.4 ===== \\ Note: VPinMAME release zips have a **vpmalias.txt** file that will overwrite your vpmalias.txt settings file. The zip below I renamed it to v34_vpmaliast.txt for you already. \\ download file here: [[https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/VPinMAME34_Minimal.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/VPinMAME34_Minimal.zip]] Remember to unblock zip before unzipping.\\ Unzip and overwrite all contents to your **c:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME** folder note: Only do this if you have VPINMAME problems after upgrade, you can run Setup.exe (in the VpinMame folder) and press the '**Install**' button. more info: [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11571|https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11571]] ---- ===== Future Pinball BAM Latest ===== Everyone will need the latest BAM that was just released (v.1.5-345) for new tables to work correctly. Download here: [[https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/BAM_upgrade_v1_5_345.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/vpUpdates/BAM_upgrade_v1_5_345.zip]] UnBLOCK zip and Extract the files into your **c:\vPinball\FuturePinball\BAM** folder.\\ Done. ----