===== V1.4 Running PinUP Table and have option to run without PinUP. ===== With the new version of VPINMAME you can now use aliases. (VPMAlias.txt)\\ In your VPinMame Folder – Visual Pinball\VPinMame\\ If you want to add comments to the file, use (# or ;) in front of the line\\ Watch this video for information: [[https://youtu.be/6NhWvUN9_so|https://youtu.be/6NhWvUN9_so]] Info on duplicate ROMs and using different NV-Files - [[https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=31778&page=1&fbclid=IwAR11lY7VuVQ7TDATW0Ae2w2HFqcJRMN-9C-T0hVn4qSjcXgXL2bXB_2yPZE|https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=31778&page=1&fbclid=IwAR11lY7VuVQ7TDATW0Ae2w2HFqcJRMN-9C-T0hVn4qSjcXgXL2bXB_2yPZE]] Other methods: So you have a table called Transformers.vpx that loads the puppack/rom "trm_101" If you create a copy of that to TransformersPUPHide.vpx, it still uses the same rom so Player will still show the pup-pack. **Solutions:** There's different methods to solve this, choose which one you feel is the easiest Make sure you are using a compatible B2S server version so that no fuzzy name matching will get in the way. **The 'easiest' solution is probably #2 for beginners (IF USING POPPER), or use method 1 for other frontends.** In #1 and #2 options you will need to make a copy of your Transformers.vpx to TransformersPUPHide.vpx and rename the directb2s to TransformersPUPHide.directb2s. (names must be exact). You will need to add the new vpx table as a separate table in Popper (this method doesn't use alt-run-mode, you can put that is more advanced and will be covered in another method); in #3 you have just one vpx table and directb2s file named exactly the same. But this should ONLY be used for advanced users…. ==== Option #1. Modify table script of TransformerPUPHide.vpx. ==== You need to open the script of the PUPHIDE vpx version and find something like this example in table_init script: Then you need to add the line .PuPHide=1 ''Sub Table1_Init vpmInit Me With Controller .GameName = cGameName If Err Then MsgBox "Can't start Game " & cGameName & vbNewLine & Err.Description:Exit Sub .SplashInfoLine = "Batman, Data East 1991" & vbNewLine & "VPX table by Javier v1.0" .HandleKeyboard = 0 .ShowTitle = 0 .ShowDMDOnly = 1 .ShowFrame = 0 .HandleMechanics = 0 .Hidden = 0 .PuPHide = 1 .Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("sound") = 1 On Error Resume Next .Run GetPlayerHWnd If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description End With On Error Goto 0 '' Notice the .PuPHide = 1 (1=disable pupb2s plugin, 0 = enable..default if not set ) ==== ==== ==== Option #2: *** Note this requires PinUPMenu v1.4.1+ to work correcty ==== You will need to make sure the **ROM **field in Games Manager on the PUPHIDE.VPX table is set correctly to the name of the **PuP-Pack.** Then put the word **HIDEPUP **in the **Custom Launch Param **as well. Then add the following to the top of vpx launch script in emulator setup. if "[CUSTOM1]"=="HIDEPUP" ( echo 1>> "[STARTDIR]PUPVideos\[?ROM?]\PUPHideNext.txt" ) This will launch the table, and if **HIDEPUP **is in **Custom Launch ****Param ** (for this game), Popper will create a text file called "**PUPHideNext.txt**" in the PuP-Pack folder you specified (in the ROM field) for the game in Games Manager. When the pup-pack tries to start, it will check for that PUPHideNext.txt file. If that file exists, then the PuP-Pack won't start, and the PUPHideNext.txt file is deleted. ===== Option #3. Dual Boot Puppack by default custom parameters. ===== **To Add the Ability to use an Alternate Rom (SEE Option 4 Below) ** THIS IS AN ADVANCED METHOD where you use one VPX Table to load Either the BackGlass or Puppack. This will use the new option in 10.6 that allows custom parameters to be sent via command line (front end will need to pass them depending on variables). How it works\\ In Controller Setup you will select a Key For (MENU SELECT KEY)\\ That will bring up the games menu with all other options\\ So on the front-end you can start the table directly or you can press the Menu select key Also, by default the launch icons will be the default 'Launch' wheel.\\ if you'd like to use your own wheel for an altmode. Then do the following: \\ Global Settings/Script add a new custom option: **useAltWheels=1** \\ Then make a Wheel.png named exactly same as altmode.\\ So if one of your altmodes is "NOPUP" then create/copy classic.png\\ into the POPMEDIA/default/system folder. ---- In Game Manager on the Left Pick the Game and on the Right In **Alternate Run Modes** Put **NOPUP** \\ See Sample Launch and Close Scripts Below Rem Put the next 2 lines above this line in your launch script and add this %ALTPARAM% Rem START /min "" %VPXEXE% "[DIREMU]" -%FSMODE% -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]" %ALTPARAM% SET ALTPARAM= if /I "[ALTMODE]"=="NOPUP" (SET ALTPARAM=-c1 NOPUP ) See the sample here: You will add the one line of code to the controller startup In Table Script like below.\\ With the One line from below the Puppack will Launch by default \\ Example “NOPUP” will decide how the table is started. Sub Table1_Init vpmInit Me With Controller .GameName = cGameName If Err Then MsgBox "Can't start Game " & cGameName & vbNewLine & Err.Description:Exit Sub .SplashInfoLine = "Batman, Data East 1991" & vbNewLine & "VPX table by Javier v1.0" .HandleKeyboard = 0 .ShowTitle = 0 .ShowDMDOnly = 1 .ShowFrame = 0 .HandleMechanics = 0 .Hidden = 0 if GetCustomParam(1)= "NOPUP" Then .PuPHide=1 else .LaunchBackglass=0 end if .Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("sound") = 1 On Error Resume Next .Run GetPlayerHWnd If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description End With On Error Goto 0 Note: Next line is for Reference only\\ To use command line in new vpx 10.6 you need to pass **-c1 NOPUP** depending on a parameter or alt-run-mode. ===== Option #4. Using alternate Rom with Option #3 ===== This option will change where VP (VPinMame) looks for the Rom By making a change in the Windows registry Make a altrom folder in your VPinMame folder and in that folder put the regular Rom\\ Put the alternate Rom in the Rom's Folder In Game Manager on the Left Pick the Game and on the Right In **CUSTOM2** Put **ALTROM** \\ See Sample Launch and Close Scripts Below Rem :Add next Line To Launch Script -- See sample Launch and Close Script Below if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\altrom%" /f) Rem :Add next Line To close Script -- See sample Launch and Close Script Below if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\roms%" /f) Launch Script @echo off START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 30 10 30 "Visual Pinball Player" 2 cd /d "[DIREMU]" rem Change the following to EnableTrueFullScreen to default FullScreen Exclusive! DisableTrueFullScreen FSMODE=EnableTrueFullScreen SET VPXEXE=vpinballx.exe if "[RECMODE]"=="1" (SET FSMODE=DisableTrueFullScreen ) if /I "[CUSTOM1]"=="NOFSX" (SET FSMODE=DisableTrueFullScreen ) if NOT "[ALTEXE]"=="" (SET VPXEXE=[ALTEXE] ) SET ALTPARAM= if /I "[ALTMODE]"=="NOPUP" (SET ALTPARAM=-c1 NOPUP ) if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\altrom%" /f) START /min "" %VPXEXE% "[DIREMU]" -%FSMODE% -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]" %ALTPARAM% if %FSMODE%==DisableTrueFullScreen (START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\PopperKeepFocus.exe" "Visual Pinball Player" 10) Close Script "[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE" WINTIT "Visual Pinball" 10 1 Timeout /t 2 if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\roms%" /f)