====== Pause Controller for VPX ====== Pausing an emulator (VPX/FP/ZEN FX) is usually different for each emulator. So it must be configured differently for each. Steps to confgure VPX pausing. Download zip file if you don't have **VPXPAUSE.EXE** already. Place this file into the **LAUNCH** sub-folder of pinupsystem. Remember to UNBLOCK ZIP! [[https://www.nailbuster.com/pup/VPXPause.zip|https://www.nailbuster.com/pup/VPXPause.zip]] **Step 1:** In Popper Controller Setup set a key/button to 'In Game Script'. This key should not be something like ESC or Q that VPX defaults as its pause menu. You can also look at your controller and see if it supports 'SHIFT' button/key combos. {{:d01920cff8242e2a931d06621f5e1584.png}} **Step 2: ** In emulator setup VPX: In OTHER tab set it **In Game Script** to START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXPAUSE.exe" {{:87b7a90d6721ed1d03719159ea71004d.png}} Tha'ts IT. Now when VPX is running this PAUSE message will appear on by BackGlass 'flashing'. Press the pause button again and it will close. //note: while running it will also check if vpx is actually running, it will close automatically if vpx is not running.//