====== AMD GPU Issues ====== VPX and PinUP work best with an NVIDIA GPU (graphics card). That is not to say AMD cannot work, but you may lose some functionality and may need some workaround depending on AMD model #. For Example, my old vpin had an RX480 GPU and transparent loading videos and 4K videos worked perfect. Others with RX580 report no issues as well. With the RX5700XT, 6700XT some users report that they cannot use transparent loading videos and 4K playfield videos stutter badly or just freeze after a few frames. for VPX: there will be texture issues (jaggies..etc). You must set the "alternate depth buffering' to ON for AMD GPU to work correctly. {{:f4dcdef343fa5fce8a4a150560b149d8.png}} ===== Transparent Loading Videos ===== IF you cannot get transparent loading videos to work (which is a neat feature but not required) you will need to change your default loading video to Full-screen and only use full screen loading videos. See here for loading videos: [[https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=loading_video|https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=loading_video]] ===== 4K Playfield videos ===== AMD GPU users report that when using 4K videos for playfield that only a few frames with show and then freeze. This happens with certain models of AMD (5700XT for example). The issue I've found is that VLC/AMD doesn't like a certain pixel format for these mp4's. 420p pixelformat seems to be the problem as recording with 422pixel format works. see the solution in using different recording bat files here: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=recording_table_media