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pinup_optional [2023/04/03 00:58] – created pinupadminpinup_optional [2025/02/06 16:47] (current) – [Option #4. Using alternate Rom with Option #3] outhere
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 +===== V1.4 Running PinUP Table and have option to run without PinUP. =====
 +With the new version of VPINMAME you can now use aliases. (VPMAlias.txt)\\
 +In your VPinMame Folder – Visual Pinball\VPinMame\\
 +If you want to add comments to the file, use (# or ;) in front of the line\\
 +Watch this video for information: [[|]]
 +Info on duplicate ROMs and using different NV-Files - [[|]]
 +Other methods:
 +So you have a table called Transformers.vpx that loads the puppack/rom "trm_101"
 +If you create a copy of that to TransformersPUPHide.vpx, it still uses the same rom so Player will still show the pup-pack.
 +There's different methods to solve this, choose which one you feel is the easiest
 +Make sure you are using a compatible B2S server version so that no fuzzy name matching will get in the way.
 +**The 'easiest' solution is probably #2 for beginners (IF USING POPPER),  or use method 1 for other frontends.**
 +In #1 and #2 options you will need to make a copy of your Transformers.vpx to TransformersPUPHide.vpx and rename the directb2s to TransformersPUPHide.directb2s. (names must be exact). You will need to add the new vpx table as a separate table in Popper (this method doesn't use alt-run-mode, you can put that is more advanced and will be covered in another method);
 +in #3 you have just one vpx table and directb2s file named exactly the same. But this should ONLY be used for advanced users….
 +==== Option #1. Modify table script of TransformerPUPHide.vpx. ====
 +You need to open the script of the PUPHIDE vpx version and find something like this example in table_init script:
 +Then you need to add the line .PuPHide=1
 +''Sub Table1_Init
 +vpmInit Me
 +With Controller
 +.GameName = cGameName
 +If Err Then MsgBox "Can't start Game " & cGameName & vbNewLine & Err.Description:Exit Sub
 +.SplashInfoLine = "Batman, Data East 1991" & vbNewLine & "VPX table by Javier v1.0"
 +.HandleKeyboard = 0
 +.ShowTitle = 0
 +.ShowDMDOnly = 1
 +.ShowFrame = 0
 +.HandleMechanics = 0
 +.Hidden = 0
 +.PuPHide = 1
 +.Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("sound") = 1
 +On Error Resume Next
 +.Run GetPlayerHWnd
 +If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
 +End With
 +On Error Goto 0
 +Notice the .PuPHide = 1 (1=disable pupb2s plugin, 0 = enable..default if not set )
 +====   ====
 +==== Option #2: *** Note this requires PinUPMenu v1.4.1+ to work correcty ====
 +You will need to make sure the **ROM **field in Games Manager on the PUPHIDE.VPX table is set correctly to the name of the **PuP-Pack.** Then put the word **HIDEPUP **in the **Custom Launch Param **as well.
 +Then add the following to the top of vpx launch script in emulator setup.
 +if "[CUSTOM1]"=="HIDEPUP" (
 + echo 1>> "[STARTDIR]PUPVideos\[?ROM?]\PUPHideNext.txt"
 + )
 +This will launch the table, and if **HIDEPUP **is in **Custom Launch ****Param ** (for this game), Popper will create a text file called "**PUPHideNext.txt**" in the PuP-Pack folder you specified (in the ROM field) for the game in Games Manager. When the pup-pack tries to start, it will check for that PUPHideNext.txt file. If that file exists, then the PuP-Pack won't start, and the PUPHideNext.txt file is deleted.
 +===== Option #3. Dual Boot Puppack by default custom parameters. =====
 +**To Add the Ability to use an Alternate Rom
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>(SEE Option 4 Below)</font> **
 +THIS IS AN ADVANCED METHOD where you use one VPX Table to load Either the BackGlass or Puppack.
 +This will use the new option in 10.6 that allows custom parameters to be sent via command line (front end will need to pass them depending on variables).
 +How it works\\
 +In Controller Setup you will select a Key For (MENU SELECT KEY)\\
 +That will bring up the games menu with all other options\\
 +So on the front-end you can start the table directly or you can press the Menu select key
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#27ae60;;inherit>Also, by default the launch icons will be the default 'Launch' wheel.\\
 +if you'd like to use your own wheel for an altmode. Then do the following:</font> \\
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>Global Settings/Script add a new custom option: **useAltWheels=1**</font> \\
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#27ae60;;inherit>Then make a Wheel.png named exactly same as altmode.\\
 +So if one of your altmodes is "NOPUP" then create/copy classic.png\\
 +into the POPMEDIA/default/system folder.</font>
 +In Game Manager on the Left Pick the Game and on the Right In
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>**Alternate Run Modes**</font>  Put
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#2980b9;;inherit>**NOPUP**</font> \\
 +See Sample Launch and Close Scripts Below
 +Rem Put the next 2 lines above this line in your launch script and add this %ALTPARAM%
 +Rem START /min "" %VPXEXE% "[DIREMU]" -%FSMODE% -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]" %ALTPARAM%
 +See the sample here: You will add the one line of code to the controller startup In Table Script like below.\\
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>With the</font>
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>One line</font>
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>from below the Puppack will Launch by default</font> \\
 +Example “NOPUP” will decide how the table is started.
 +Sub Table1_Init
 +    vpmInit Me
 +    With Controller
 +   .GameName = cGameName
 +        If Err Then MsgBox "Can't start Game " & cGameName & vbNewLine & Err.Description:Exit Sub
 +        .SplashInfoLine = "Batman, Data East 1991" & vbNewLine & "VPX table by Javier v1.0"
 +        .HandleKeyboard = 0
 +        .ShowTitle = 0
 +        .ShowDMDOnly = 1
 +        .ShowFrame = 0
 +        .HandleMechanics = 0
 +        .Hidden = 0
 +        if GetCustomParam(1)= "NOPUP" Then .PuPHide=1 else .LaunchBackglass=0 end if
 +        .Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("sound") = 1
 +        On Error Resume Next
 +        .Run GetPlayerHWnd
 +        If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
 +    End With
 +    On Error Goto 0
 +Note: Next line is for Reference only\\
 +To use command line in new vpx 10.6 you need to pass **-c1 NOPUP** depending on a parameter or alt-run-mode.
 +===== Option #4. Using alternate Rom with Option #3 =====
 +This option will change where VP (VPinMame) looks for the Rom By making a change in the Windows registry
 +Make a
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>altrom</font>  folder in your VPinMame folder and in that folder put the regular Rom\\
 +Put the alternate Rom in the Rom's Folder
 +In Game Manager on the Left Pick the Game and on the Right In
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>**CUSTOM2**</font>  Put
 + <font inherit/inherit;;#2980b9;;inherit>**ALTROM**</font> \\
 +See Sample Launch and Close Scripts Below
 +Rem :Add next Line To Launch Script -- See sample Launch and Close Script Below
 + if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\altrom%" /f)
 +Rem :Add next Line To close Script -- See sample Launch and Close Script Below
 + if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\roms%" /f)
 +Launch Script
 +@echo off
 +START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 30 10 30 "Visual Pinball Player" 2
 +cd /d "[DIREMU]"
 +rem Change the following to EnableTrueFullScreen to default FullScreen Exclusive!     DisableTrueFullScreen
 +SET FSMODE=EnableTrueFullScreen
 +SET VPXEXE=vpinballx.exe
 +if "[RECMODE]"=="1" (SET FSMODE=DisableTrueFullScreen )
 +if /I "[CUSTOM1]"=="NOFSX" (SET FSMODE=DisableTrueFullScreen )
 +if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\altrom%" /f)
 +START /min "" %VPXEXE% "[DIREMU]" -%FSMODE% -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]" %ALTPARAM%
 +if %FSMODE%==DisableTrueFullScreen (START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\PopperKeepFocus.exe" "Visual Pinball Player" 10)
 +Close Script
 +Timeout /t 2
 +if /I "[CUSTOM2]"=="ALTROM" (REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Freeware\Visual PinMame\globals" /v "rompath" /t REG_SZ /d "%C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\roms%" /f)