====== Which VPX version to use? ====== Yes, if you've been around the VPX-world for the past few years you're probably confused about which VPX EXE to run for certain tables. In PinUP Baller Installer 2025 the default VPinballX.exe is VPX version 10.8 DX. Whats DX? Its the DirectX version of VPX (graphics driver), for VR there is a VPX 10.8 GL (OpenGL driver) version. You may here different folks talk about GL being better than DX version and vice versa. There is no right or wrong answer, too many factors can determine which is better for your setup. You can easily try each vpx type (OUTSIDE OF FRONTEND) to determine which works best for you. In your vpinball\VirsualPinball folder you will see the following files (if you are fully updated). {{:1f077ee5223fe42fea5c4894c8a1d9fb.png}} **VPinball995.exe **is old-legacy for .VPT extension tables that you probably would avoid most of VPT/v9 files today. But its there for legacy reasons. **VPinballX.exe** (vpx 10.8 DX 64bit) This is your default version that your Baller Installer shortcut is set to run with the DEFAULT launch script. see below to see how to check/change your default launch vpx exe. **VPinballX_GL64.exe ** (vpx 10.8 GL 64bit) This is a must to run in VR. You can also try this version out to see if it performs better on your setup.hardware. **VPinballX64.exe** (vpx 10.8 DX 64bit) This a duplicate of VPinballX.exe for users prior to 2025 to have as their default exe was 10.7. **VPinballX106.exe ** (vpx 10.6 32bit) Just in case some legacy tables have errors with latest versions you can attempt using 10.6 **VPinballX107_32bit.exe** (vpx 10.7 32bit) Just in case some legacy tables have errors with latest versions you can attempt using it. **VPinballX107_64bit.exe** (vpx 10.7 64bit) Just in case some legacy tables have errors with latest versions you can attempt using it. ---- ===== Setting which VPX version to run ===== Setting which EXE to launch a table with? If you add a table to Popper it will by default use whichever EXE your emulator(vpx) launch script is configured for. If you want to change the default simply change the exe filename in the emulator config (see down page). If you want to run a particular table from default then you change it here in game manager for each table. {{ :abf8a29e343a498815d887e206ca67e3.png?nolink& }} To add change the list you can set them here in the lookups tab in gamemanager: {{:a6bcf910eac611aac009bd7f73183422.png}} ---- ===== Setting your Default VPX exe to run in Popper ===== To change the default VPX exe you just change the one line in the Visual Pinball X Launch Script in Emulator Setup (popper config). {{:d7d186214937c85efe56e38275eca1d1.png}} For example, if you want 10.7 64bit to be your default launcher you would change the line to: SET VPXEXE=**VPinballX107_64bit.exe** Save your changes and that's it. Note: if your exe has spaces in it you will need to use " quotes around name. Always easier to keep spaces out in general.